Inhibition of NADPH oxidase 2 enhances resistance to viral neuroinflammation by facilitating M1‑polarization of macrophages at the extraneural tissues
Keywords : NADPH oxidase 2, Japanese encephalitis, Macrophages, Reactive oxygen species, ROS scavenger
2024-06-13 | 64
Molecular mechanism of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3 interaction with Gq
Keywords : Muscarinic acetylcholine receptor M3, GPCR-Gq complex
2024-04-05 | 59
Cell-penetrating peptide-conjugated lipid polymer hybrid nanovesicles for endoplasmic reticulum-targeting intracellular delivery
Keywords : Cell-penetrating peptide, LPNVs, Endoplasmic reticulum (ER)
2024-02-15 | 62
Fabrication of cell penetrating peptide-conjugated bacterial cellulose nanofibrils with remarkable skin adhesion and water retention performance
Keywords : Skin adhesive system, Bacterial cellulose nanofibers, Cell-penetrating peptide, Water retention
2024-02-15 | 37
Polyphenol-modified nanovesicles for synergistically enhanced in vitro tumor cell targeting and apoptosis
Keywords :Tannic acid (TA), EGFR, ECM, Nanovesicle
2024-02-15 | 31
Skin protein-derived peptide-conjugated vesicular nanocargos for selected skin cell targeting and consequent activation
Keywords :CTPs, PLNVs, melanocortin 1, LFA-1
2024-02-15 | 35
Tumor-targeted liposomes with platycodin D2 promote apoptosis in colorectal cancer
Keywords : Platycosides, Liposomes, Apoptosis, Colorectal cancer, Xenograft
2024-02-13 | 32
Development of a multi‐functional concurrent assay using weak cation‐exchange solid‐phase extraction (WCX‐SPE) and reconstitution with a diluted sample aliquot for anti‐d
Keywords : Anti‐doping laboratories, WCX‐SPE, Dilute and Shoot, WADA
2024-01-31 | 22
Structural basis for proapoptotic activation of Bak by the noncanonical BH3-only protein Pxt1
Keywords : Pxt1, PBD, Bak, ITC, Bcl-2, BH3, Crystal structure
2024-01-19 | 40
Crystal Structures of Plk1 Polo Box Domain Bound to the Human Papillomavirus Minor Capsid Protein L2 Derived Peptide
Keywords : Plk1, PBD, Polo-box domain, Human papillomavirus, HPV18, HPV4, L2, Crystal structure
2023-11-08 | 69